The Fundación Daniel y Nina Carasso awards the Daniel Carasso Fellowship to outstanding early-stage researchers engaged in the promotion of sustainable food systems. The Fellowship consists of a research career development grant to carry out a research project at a Spanish university or research centre for a two-year period.
The Fundación Daniel y Nina Carasso invites established researchers (i.e., tenured professor, full professor, tenured scientist or equivalents) at Spanish universities or research centres (public or private non-profit) to nominate candidates. Nominators undertake to provide the necessary means for the awardee’s integration into a research group.
The rules establish that a nominator can only nominate one candidate, and each candidate can only be nominated by one nominator. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
Deadline for applications: 10 March 2025 (14:00h UTC+1)
Please note that the form and the documents must be submitted in English.
For further details on the Daniel Carasso Fellowship, please see the Foundation’s website.